Labia complaints

Pain or itching on the labia is usually caused by a vaginal yeast infection or vaginal dryness. A vaginal yeast infection is caused by the fungus Candida albicans. If the vaginal flora is disturbed, this fungus gets a chance to grow.

How do labia symptoms occur?

There are many possible causes that result in a disruption of the natural vaginal flora. These include medication, hormone changes during pregnancy or menopause and improper or too frequent (soap) washing of the vagina. Pain in the labia and surrounding areas can also be caused by vaginal dryness. In addition, an STD, cyst or polyp may be the cause of the symptoms.

What are the symptoms of disturbed vaginal flora?

The symptoms of labia complaints are:

  • Pain when urinating;
  • Different discharge than normal. For example, white, friable discharge or a different smell;
  • A burning sensation;
  • Itching of the labia and vagina;
  • Red, swollen labia.

What can you do for labia complaints?

It is important to find out the cause of the complaint. If there is a chance of an STD, then help from a medical specialist is necessary. To keep the natural flora of the vagina healthy, the tips below are worth trying:

  • Do not use soap while washing;
  • Still want to clean the vagina? Then use a mild, soap-free product;
  • Wash the vagina with lukewarm water.
  • Change pads, tampons and panty liners frequently. Do not use perfumed panty liners;
  • Avoid wearing very tight pants, this causes friction;
  • Always wipe from front to back after using the toilet;
  • Lots of cycling can cause friction and excessive pressure on the vagina;
  • Choose underpants instead of thongs;
  • Wear lace underwear.

Questions about labia complaints?

The medical specialists at Women's Healthcare Center specialize in women's healthcare. We support, treat and help a large number of women in the Amsterdam area with women's healthcare complaints and problems. Would you like to make an appointment with one of our specialists or would you like to know more? You can reach us at 020 6420 229 or use our contact form.
